Lift High Your Songs of Praise

Lift High Your Songs of Praise

from Footprints in the Sand (Studiotrax CD)

inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit 3-4 Wochen

David Angerman, Joseph M. Martin

Lift High Your Songs of Praise

from Footprints in the Sand (Studiotrax CD)

Lift High Your Songs of Praise

David Angerman, Joseph M. Martin

Lift High Your Songs of Praise

from Footprints in the Sand (Studiotrax CD)

Lieferzeit 3-4 Wochen
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
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  • Erschienen: 01.01.2013
  • Gewicht: 52 g
  • Genre: Geistlich & Kirchenmusik
  • EAN: 884088955847
Uses: Palm Sunday Scripture: Zechariah 9:9 - John 12:12-15 - Matthew 21:5 The triumphal entry is announced with all of its pomp and regality in this re-tooling of a time-honored hymn tune, typically associated with Easter. Perfectly at home in its new clothing, this theme epitomizes jubilation and praise. Fanfare-like episodes connect sturdy a cappella sections and fully orchestrated crescendos bring the whole song to dizzying heights. StudioTrax CD has 3 tracks - Accompaniment, Split-Track, Performance.