Laideronnette: Imperatrice des Pagodes

(from Ma mere l'oye )

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Maurice Ravel

Laideronnette: Imperatrice des Pagodes

(from Ma mere l'oye )

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Maurice Ravel

Laideronnette: Imperatrice des Pagodes

(from Ma mere l'oye )

Lieferzeit 3-4 Wochen
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
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  • Seiten: 24
  • Erschienen: 30.04.2013
  • Gewicht: 68 g
  • EAN: 038081449661
From Ravel's Mother Goose Suite, this piece tells the tale of a Chinese princess falling under the curse of an evil fairy who transforms her into an ugly little girl. Laideronnette exiles herself from her family and land but is rescued by a green serpent. As their love grows for one another, the curse is lifted, and they live happily ever after on the island of the Pagodas. (3:30)