Narnian Dance

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Lieferzeit 3-6 Arbeitstage

Kris Berg

Narnian Dance

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Kris Berg

Narnian Dance

Lieferzeit 3-6 Arbeitstage
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
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  • Seiten: 24
  • Erschienen: 31.08.1997
  • Gewicht: 40 g
  • EAN: 029156665758
If you are looking for a contrasting jazz original to play at festival or contest, you should look at this new work by Kris Berg. It has a contemporary sound that will balance out a 'standard' program. Kris is in touch with the sound of today's jazz and always writes charts that are fun, playable and very listenable. This tune will make your band sound great! (duration 5:01)