First Frets: Fingersatz- & Positions-Schablone (1/2 Violin or 12'' Viola)

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auf Lager
Lieferzeit 1-3 Arbeitstage

First Frets: Fingersatz- & Positions-Schablone (1/2 Violin or 12'' Viola)

First Frets: Fingersatz- & Positions-Schablone (1/2 Violin or 12'' Viola)

auf Lager
Lieferzeit 1-3 Arbeitstage
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
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  • Sepa

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  • Gewicht: 10 g
  • Rubrik: Grifftabellen, Fingerübungen
  • EAN: 838434001191
Inexpensive, mathematically designed for accuracy, and made of clear, self-adhering vinyl, it applies easily to the fingerboard.

Coloured lines arranged in a scale pattern show the students exactly where to placethefingers. It gives you a resource for teaching finger positions, scales, keys and intervals. Whatever your method, Don't Fret! helps you communicate more effectively.

For the first notes on the instrument. An expanded version of this is available which covers higher notes and position changes.