Musica Sacra for mixed voices I/4

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Lieferzeit 3-6 Arbeitstage

Lajos Bárdos

Musica Sacra for mixed voices I/4

Lajos Bárdos

Musica Sacra for mixed voices I/4

Lieferzeit 3-6 Arbeitstage
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Mindestbestellmenge: 20 Stück
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  • Sprache: Ungarisch Latein
  • Rubrik: Sammlungen
  • Genre: Geistlich & Kirchenmusik
  • ISMN: 9790080142929
The sacred choral works of Lajos Bárdos, more than a decade after the composer?s death, are being performed more and more often worldwide. These pieces, among which every type is represented, from the simplest folksong harmonization to the large-scale motet, appear in revised form, in some cases re-edited by the composer, and are arranged according to their liturgical function and textual content. Vol. I/4 is divided into two major parts: the first contains the choral works about Jesus, the second those about the saints, in the alphabetical order of their titles within the cycles. All existing Latin text versions are included.