What Love Can Do

for S.A.T.B. voices and piano

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Lieferzeit 3-6 Arbeitstage

Mark Burrows

What Love Can Do

for S.A.T.B. voices and piano

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Mark Burrows

What Love Can Do

for S.A.T.B. voices and piano

Lieferzeit 3-6 Arbeitstage
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Mindestbestellmenge: 10 Stück
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  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Seiten: 12
  • Erschienen: 05.01.2021
  • Gewicht: 25 g
  • Genre: Klassik, Klassische Musik der Moderne
  • Begleitung: A cappella, Klavier
  • EAN: 038081562346
'We will reach out, sing out, make a change. We will show the world what love can do!' These empowering lyrics were inspired by thoughts and feelings from amazing young people at a virtual conference held in 2020. Spread the important message with this stirring anthem of hope by stellar composer and youth mentor, Mark Burrows. Starts with a tiny mezzo-soprano seed and blossoms into a full bloom fortissimo. Along the way, intuitive pop rhythms, satisfying harmonies, an especially memorable bridge, a moment of a cappella, and even handclaps help to secure that full finale effect.